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Application Server Issues and Error Messages


Possible issues related to the Application Server are listed below, along with information about their possible causes and how to resolve them.


I get the following message when trying to restart the EkranServer service: Not sufficient permissions to restart the Application Server”, 

Restart the EkranServer service under an administrator account.


I get the following message from the Server tray application: "The Application Server connection with the database has been lost. Click to view logs."

Make sure that the computer on which the database is installed is online and accessible by entering the following command in the Windows command line:

ping <the name of the computer with the database installed>

If the issue cannot be resolved, please send us the logs (i.e. the ServerLogs subfolder), which you can find in the following folder: C:\Program Files\Ekran System\Ekran System


I cannot start the Application Server from the Server tray application.

You need to start the Application Server in the Server tray application under an administrator account.


I have installed a new version of the Application Server, but I want to use the old database.

Your existing database will remain in place if you select the option to use your old database when prompted, while reinstalling the Application Server.


My anti-virus blocks uninstallation/update of the Application Server.

It is recommended that you disable your anti-virus during uninstallation/update of the Application Server. Due to the specifics of the uninstaller, some anti-viruses might detect it as a false positive during a virus scan.


I get the following message when trying to open the Management Tool: Server is unavailable. Please contact administrator.

Check the Application Server logs (the default location of the logs is: C:\Program Files\Ekran System\Ekran System\ServerLogs\server.txt).

NOTE: The EkranServer_LogsCollector tool can alternatively be used to download the logs, and needs to be launched on the machine where Syteca Application Server is installed by a user with administrator permissions.

Please also check the following:

- The EkranServer service is up and running.

- The Syteca Application Server has a stable connection to a DB server.

- The DB server has sufficient free space and its service is up and running.

- The port for connection of the Syteca Application Server to the DB server is open.

- If you are using a binary folder to store the screen captures, please check that the EkranServer service was launched under a user or a service account that has the required permissions to read and write to this folder.


I get the following error while trying to install/update/start the Application Server when using the MS SQL database: Syteca Application Server could not start due to disallowed results from triggers in MS SQL.

 To resolve this issue, enable the results from triggers, by using the following commands in MS SQL Server Management Studio:

EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1;




EXEC sp_configure 'disallow results from triggers', 0;

EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', 0;



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