Changing the Number of Licenses Granted to Tenants
The number of licenses granted to any tenant can be increased (if there are licenses available to do this), or decreased (e.g. to free these licenses up to subsequently grant them to another tenant).
To change the number of the licenses granted to a tenant, do the following:
1. Log in to the Management Tool as a user with the administrative Tenant Management and System Configuration permission.
2. Click the Tenants navigation link on the left.
3. On the Tenants page that opens, click the Edit Tenant (
4. On the Edit Tenant page that opens, select the Licenses tab, and increase (if there are licenses available to do this in the Licenses Available column) or decrease the number of PAM seat licenses and/or the various types of endpoint licenses granted to the tenant in the Licenses Granted column as required by entering the required number of licenses of each type.
5. Click the Finish button (in the bottom right).
NOTE: If after decreasing the number of licenses granted to a tenant, the number of licenses granted is then fewer than the number of licenses assigned to the tenant’s PAM users and/or Clients, the PAM users and/or Clients will become unlicensed.