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Database Server Issues and Error Messages


Possible issues related to the database server and the Application Server are listed below, along with information about their possible causes and how to resolve them.


I get the following message in the Management Tool: "The connection with MS SQL Server database has been lost. Please check that the database is accessible and try again."

The Application Server has lost the connection to MS SQL Server. Make sure that MS SQL Server is running and that it is online and accessible. To check that the MS SQL Server computer is accessible, enter the following command in the Windows command line: ping <the name of the MS SQL Server computer>

The connection to the MS SQL Server is blocked by the firewall. Try disabling the firewall on the MS SQL Server side.


I get the following error while trying to clean up the database: Error occurred while cleaning up the database. Please try again.

The program encountered an unexpected error while trying to clean up the database. Try cleaning up the database again.

Make sure the Application Server service is running.

There was a problem with the connection to the database. Make sure that the computer on which the database is installed is online and accessible. To check that the computer is accessible, enter the following command in the Windows command line:

ping <the name of the computer with the database installed>

If the issue is still not resolved, please send us the logs (i.e. the Serverlogs folder), which can be found in the following folder: C:\Program Files\Ekran System\Ekran System


I get the following error while trying to perform an action on the database: "Error occurred while retrieving database info. Please try again."

The program encountered an unexpected error while trying to perform an action on the database. Try performing the action again.

There was a problem with the connection to the database. Make sure that the computer on which the database is installed is online and accessible. To check that the computer is accessible, enter the following command in the Windows command line:

ping <the name of the computer with the database installed>

If the issue is still not resolved, please send us the logs  (i.e. the Serverlogs folder), which can be found in the following folder: C:\Program Files\Ekran System\Ekran System


There are too many records in the database.

The automatic or manual database cleanup feature can be used to remove old records from the database.


I have defined a new database. What happened to the old one?

The old database remains in place and is not changed.


I need to create a non-default MS SQL Server database user, whose account will be used by the Ekran System Application Server to work with the database.

Make sure the "dbcreator" and "public" roles are granted to the MS SQL Server user whose account will be used by the Ekran System Application Server to access the database. The User must change password at next login checkbox must be deselected.


I need to transfer the data from the existing database to a new one,

For the new database, the existing database needs to be restored from a backup copy.


I want to change the type of the database without losing any data,

Unfortunately, this is not possible because data cannot be transferred from one database type to another.


I want to transfer the MS SQL Server database to another computer.

It is not possible to relocate the MS SQL Server database, although you can move it to another location on the same machine where the MS SQL Server is running.


I have accidentally removed the database from the MS SQL Server.

The database needs to be restored from a backup copy. If you do not have a backup, you will need to define a new database while reinstalling the Application Server.


If cannot shrink the database transaction log, because the Shrink Transaction Log button is not available in the Management Tool (on the Configuration page, on the Database Management tab).

Shrinking is only possible for the MS SQL Server database; this function is not supported by the PostgreSQL database.

NOTE: Shrinking cannot be performed while a cleanup operation is in progress.

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