Deleting the Master Certificate
To delete the Syteca Master Certificate, do the following:
1. On the Syteca Application Server computer, press Windows+R, enter mmc in the Run window that opens, and then press Enter.
2. In the User Account Control window that opens, click Yes.
3. In the Console window, select File > Add/Remove Snap-in.
4. In the Add or Remove Snap-ins window, select Certificates, and then click Add.
5. In the Certificates Snap-in window, select the Computer account option, and then click Next.
6. In the Select Computer window, select the Local Computer option and click Finish.
7. In the Add or Remove Snap-ins window, click OK.
8. In the Certificates (Local Computer) tree-view, select Personal > Certificates.
9. Select EkranMasterCertificate, right-click on it, and then select Delete in the context menu that appears.
10. Click Yes in the confirmation message.