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Enabling the Displaying of the Warning and Consent Banner

Syteca allows you to display the Warning and Consent banner to users logging in to the Management Tool.

To enable the displaying of the Warning and Consent banner, do the following:

1. Create the banner.html file on the computer where Syteca Application Server is installed.

2. Open the Windows Registry Editor.

3. In the Registry Editor window, select the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\EkranSystem key.

4. Select Edit > New > String Value, and add a new value:

• Value type: String

• Value name: WarningBanner

• Value data: the path to the banner.html file (e.g. C:\banner.html)

NOTE: After updating to Syteca version 6.53.1 or higher, the Application Server can no longer be configured in the registry, which is now done instead by way of the "EkranServer.Settings.config" file (located in: C:\Program Files\Ekran System\Ekran System\Server). Therefore, after updating to version 6.53.1 or higher, all settings previously configured in the registry remain the same, but are now instead stored in the .config file (e.g. <add key="<name_of_key>" value="<value_of_key>" />), and can only be modified in this file. For this reason, all instructions above concerning configuration of the Application Server in the registry, no longer apply to the registry, but instead apply to the .config file.

NOTE: For SaaS deployments, since the EkranServer.Settings.config file is not available, please contact your Syteca vendor or the Syteca Support team to enable this feature in your environment.

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