How Can I Install the Ekran System Client Remotely Using PsExec?
To deploy Ekran System Clients remotely using the Windows PsExec tool, do the following:
1. Download PsExec.
2. Extract it anywhere on the desktop.
3. Run PsExec (or PsExec64) using the command prompt with administrator permissions.
4. Enter the following command: PsExec.exe -i \\<Remote_host_Name_or_IP> -u <User_on_the_Remote_machine_who_has_enough_permissions> -p <TheUserPassword> -c -f <Path_to_EkranSystemClient.exe> /ServerName=Remote_host_Name
5. If everything was configured correctly, the Client (agent.exe) will then be copied to the remote machine and launched there (as shown in the following screenshot):