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Shrinking the MS SQL Database Transaction Log


This feature allows you to shrink the size of the MS SQL database transaction log.

To shrink the database transaction log, do the following:

1. Log in to the Management Tool as a user with the administrative Database Management permission.

2. Click the Configuration (

) button (at the top of the Management Tool interface).

3. On the Configuration page that opens, select the Database Management tab.

4. Click the Shrink Transaction Log button (at the bottom of the page).

NOTE: The progress of the shrinking process is not displayed in the Management Tool and there is no indication of when the process finishes.

NOTE: If the MS SQL database is part of an SQL availability group, this feature is not supported. A message is displayed on the Health Monitoring page explaining the reason why this operation cannot be performed. Furthermore, shrinking cannot be performed while the database cleanup procedure is in progress.

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