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Viewing Alerts

Alerts that have been added are displayed in the grid on the Alert Management page in the Management Tool, where the list of alerts contains the following information in the corresponding columns:

: Select this checkbox next to all the required alerts, so as to then perform an operation on all of them (e.g. by using the Bulk Action (
) button) 

Risk: The risk level of the alert:

- Alerts with the Critical risk level are indicated by a red (

) icon.

- Alerts with the High risk level are indicated by an orange (

) icon.

- Alerts with the Normal risk level are indicated by a blue (

) icon.

• Name: The name of the alert.

• Description: A description of the alert.

• Assigned To: The Clients / Client groups the alert is assigned to.

• State: Whether the alert is enabled, or not.

• Notification: How investigators are notified about alert events (by email or via the Tray Notifications application).

• Email Recipient: The email addresses of the investigators who will be notified about alert events (i.e. when the alert is triggered).

: Click the Edit Alert icon next to the corresponding alert to edit it.

: Click the View Alert icon next to the corresponding alert to view a list of alert events triggered for this alert (on the Alerts tab of the Monitoring Results page, filtered by this alert's name).

To find the required alert, the Search box, and the filtering options drop-down list (click on the Hide None

 button, and instead select the Hide Disabled / Hide Default / Hide Enabled option required in the drop-down list and the alerts will be filtered accordingly) at the top of the page can be used.

On the Alert Management page, as well as editing and viewing existing alerts, new alerts can also be added (by clicking the Add button), and existing alerts can be deleted, enabled and disabled (by clicking the

button), and Global Alert Settings can be defined.

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