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Viewing the Client Session Risk Score


In the list of Client sessions (on the Activity Monitoring page), the monitored sessions that contain detected user behavior (UEBA) anomalies detected by the User Behavior and Entity Analysis (UEBA) feature have a special risk score.

The risk score indicates the severity level of the Client session and is calculated according to the risk level of the abnormal user patterns and alert events detected in the monitored sessions.

The risk score is displayed in different colors depending on the severity level:

• A Critical risk score is highlighted in red.

• A High risk score is highlighted in orange.

• A Normal risk score is highlighted in green.

• A Zero risk score is highlighted in gray.

You can click the Risk Score icon (make sure the Risk Score column is displayed on the Activity Monitoring page) to view the abnormal user patterns and alert events detected in the session on the Session Risk Score page.

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