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Application Server Resource Monitoring


The current state of the Application Server is displayed on the dashboards at the top of the System State page:

• The CPU Usage dashboard contains a chart with statistics on CPU usage by the Syteca Application Server process in percentage terms. The dashboard is updated every five seconds.

• The Memory Usage dashboard contains a chart with statistics on memory usage by the Syteca Application Server process (private working set) in MB. The dashboard is updated every five seconds.

• The Database State dashboard contains information about the average number of Client records written to the database per minute. Information about the number of records in the queue to be inserted into the database is displayed at the bottom of the dashboard.

NOTE: The maximum size of the queue is 64 records. If this limit is reached, Clients stop sending data to the Application Server and instead temporarily store it in their offline cache until the queue size decreases.

•  The Storage Usage dashboard, contains information about the disk space used (and available), depending on how binary data storage is configured:

- If binary data is stored in the SQL database, the Database pie chart is displayed. It allows you to view statistics on the disk space used by the database (including binary data), together with the remaining free space.

- If binary data is stored in a shared or local folder, the Database and Binary Storage pie charts are displayed. The Database pie chart allows you to view statistics on the disk space used only by the database (together with the remaining free space), while the Binary pie chart allows you to view statistics on the disk space used by binary data (together with the remaining free space).

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