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Archive & Cleanup Parameters


The following parameters are available for the Cleanup and Archive & Cleanup operations:



Parameters applied to the Archive & Cleanup operation for both the PostgreSQL and MS SQL Server database types.


The path to the PostgreSQL or MS SQL Server instance.

Archived database name

The name of the database where the session data will be archived to.

NOTE: For the MS SQL Server database type, if you do not have an archived database, it will be created on startup of the Archive & Cleanup operation.

User + Password

The credentials of a user with access to the PostgreSQL Server or MS SQL Server instance.

Binary data location

The path to the location where the binary session data (i.e. screen captures) will be archived to (this field is only displayed if binary storage is used).

NOTE: If the "Amazon S3-like storage" option is used to store the binary data (i.e. screen captures), then instead of the "Binary data location" field, the "Bucket name", "Access key ID", and "Secret access key" fields are displayed (for more information, please refer to the Configuring Syteca to Store Binary Data in Amazon S3 page).

Use separate credentials to access binary storage (+ User + Password)

This checkbox needs to be selected (and the User and Password entered) if existing user account credentials are required to access the binary storage location (e.g. for a Network-Attached Storage (NAS) location) specified in the Binary data location field (this option is only displayed if binary storage is used).

NOTE: If the "Amazon S3-like storage" option is used to store the binary data (i.e. screen captures), then the "Use separate credentials to access binary storage" option is not available.

Parameters only applied to the Archive & Cleanup operation for the MS SQL Server database type.

Shrink database transaction log after cleanup

Database transaction log shrinking will be performed after each cleanup.

Parameters applied to both the Cleanup and Archive & Cleanup operations.
Archive and clean up the database without archiving and deleting the binary dataThis checkbox can be selected to not delete the binary data whenever a Cleanup or an Archiving & Cleanup operation is performed if a binary storage location (e.g. for a Network-Attached Storage (NAS) location) is specified in the Binary data location field (this option is only displayed if binary storage is used).
Delete offline Clients without sessions

Offline Clients without any recorded sessions will be deleted from the database during the cleanup process.

The above parameters can be configured by clicking the Configuration (

) button (at the top of the Management Tool interface), and on the Configuration page that opens, selecting the Database Management tab, and scrolling down to the Archive Parameters section.

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