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Client Types Supported

Clients can be deployed on machines with any type of desktops or servers, including:

• Infrastructure servers

• Terminal servers

• Jump servers

• Physical and virtual desktops (VDIs)

You can install just one Syteca terminal server Client on a jump server to monitor all the sessions that come through it concurrently and, if needed, manage access to endpoints within the protected perimeter using Syteca's PAM toolset.

Syteca supports the widest range of platforms on the market for Client monitoring, including:

• Windows

• Linux / Unix / X Window System

• macOS

• Citrix (for VDI monitoring)

VMware (for VDI monitoring)

Clients capture users’ screens along with mouse movements according to the recording settings, and simultaneously log important metadata such as application names, titles of active windows, keystrokes, etc.

The monitored data is sent to the Application Server for storage and analysis, or, in case there is no network connection, is temporarily stored in the Client’s protected cache until the connection is restored.

The Client can be configured depending on the intensity of security monitoring required, up to recording screen captures every second or based on each mouse click or key press. A special Protected mode, to ensure the safety of Client operation and the integrity of data monitored, can also be enabled.

Syteca is straightforward to deploy, and also provides remote Client installation options.

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