Customizing Dashboards
The layout of the dashboards is customizable, and you can choose which dashboards you want to be displayed on the Home page by using the following options:
• To add a dashboard: Click the Add button (in the top right of the page), and select the required type of dashboard in the drop-down list. Multiple dashboards of the same type can also be added to view the required information in different variations. A maximum of up to eight dashboards can be displayed at any one time on the Home page.
• To hide a dashboard: Click the
• To collapse/expand a dashboard: Click the
You can also choose what each of your dashboards looks like, and where they are situated on the page, by using the following options:
• To rearrange the dashboards: Click the upper gray area (at the top) on any dashboard, and drag & drop the it to a new location as required.
• To resize a dashboard: Drag & drop one of the bottom corners on any dashboard as required.
• To configure the dashboard settings: Click the cog (
The customization settings are user-specific, and stored on the Application Server.
To restore the default settings, click the Restore Layout button (in the top right of the page).