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Filtering Client Sessions by Specific Parameters

This type of filtering allows you to filter sessions by a set of specific parameters. The filtering parameters are applied instantly.

You can filter sessions by multiple criteria. For each filter, except the When filter, you can select more than one filtering parameter. With each parameter selected, the session list is re-filtered.

By default, the following filters are displayed:

• Who: Allows the filtering of sessions by a specific user logged in to a Client computer.

• Where: Allows the filtering of sessions by a specific Client.

• When: Allows the filtering of sessions by a specific time period, where the resulting session list includes all the sessions containing activities for a specific period. To define the time period, select one of the following options, and then click the Apply button:

- Specify the time period required for the Within the last number of hours, days, weeks, or months.

- Specify the Between start date and end date of the time period required.

To add other filters, click the More Criteria button, and then select the additional filters required from the list in the pop-up window that opens:

• Operating System: Allows the filtering of sessions by the operating system type (Linux Desktop, Linux X forwarded, Linux/Unix Terminal, macOS or Windows).

• Start: Allows the filtering of sessions by the date and time the session started.

• Finish: Allows the filtering of sessions by the date and time the session finished. If the session has the Live status, this field is empty.

• Last Activity: Allows the filtering of sessions by the date and time of the last screen capture or last Linux command executed.

• Duration: Allows the filtering of sessions by their duration. If the session has the Live status, this field is empty.

• Type: Allows the filtering of sessions by the session type (Live or Finished).

• Secret Usage: Allows filtering of sessions by the name of the secrets used during the user sessions.

• IPv4: Allows the filtering of sessions by the IPv4 address of the Client computer.

• IPv6: Allows the filtering of sessions by the IPv6 address of the Client computer.

• Remote IPv4: Allows the filtering of sessions by the local originating IPv4 address.

• Remote IPv6: Allows the filtering of sessions by the local originating IPv6 address.

• Remote Public IPv4: Allows the filtering of sessions by the public originating IPv4 address.

• Remote Public IPv6: Allows the filtering of sessions by the public originating IPv6 address.

• Domain: Allows the filtering of sessions by the name of the domain to which the Client belongs.

• User’s Comments: Allows the filtering of sessions by the user's comment entered on login to the Client computer, or [for remote Linux X-forwarded sessions:] the text "x-forwarded app:" followed by the application name. 

• Client Description: Allows the filtering of sessions by the custom description of the Client.

• Client Groups: Allows the filtering of sessions by the name of the Client Group to which the Client belongs.

• Remote Host Name: Allows the filtering of sessions by the name of the remote host computer. 

To remove these extra filters from the page, click the “X” next to the corresponding filter button on the right.

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