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The URL Monitoring Parameter

The option for URL monitoring enables the recording of text entered into the browser address bar at the same time as a screen capture is recorded, and allows investigators to receive information about websites visited by users of the Client computer. This feature also allows you to set an alert so as to receive notifications each time the user opens a forbidden URL.

If the Enable URL monitoring checkbox is selected (on the Editing Client / Editing Client Group page, on the Monitoring [Windows/macOS] tab, scroll down to the URL Monitoring section) to enable this option, you can also select the Monitor top and second-level domain names only checkbox (below it) if you only want the top and second-level parts of the full URL (e.g. to be monitored.

The monitored URLs are displayed in the Management Tool on the Session Viewer page (in the URL column of the grid, and in the Details area).

The URL monitoring option has the following limitations in the current version of the application:

• Only URLs from standard browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Opera, and Internet Explorer) can be monitored.

• URLs from Metro versions of the Chrome and Internet Explorer browsers cannot be monitored.

• URLs entered in web anonymizers cannot be monitored (but proxy server anonymizers are supported).

• If there is no address bar in the browser (e.g. due to the user’s settings), URLs cannot be monitored.

• Unicode symbols in domain names cannot be monitored.

Examples of parameters:

.ini File Parameter

Parameter Defined in the Management Tool

Example of Monitored Data (Activity Title)




On the Monitoring [Windows/macOS] tab, scroll down to the URL Monitoring section, and make sure the Enable URL monitoring checkbox is not selected.

John Doe - Google Chrome




On the Monitoring [Windows/macOS] tab, scroll down to the URL Monitoring section, and select the Enable URL monitoring checkbox.

John Doe - Google Chrome





On the [Windows/macOS] tab, scroll down to the URL Monitoring section, and select the Enable URL monitoring checkbox, and the Monitor top and second-level domain names only checkbox.

John Doe - Google Chrome


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