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Unassigning the License Using a Script on the Client Side

Before configuring a virtual machine image, you need to create a CMD file (for example, uninstall_client.cmd) containing the following command line command:

call <path_to_EkranClient.exe>” -uninstwl <uninstallation key>

For example:

call “C:\Progra~1\EkranS~1\EkranS~1\Client\EkranClient.exe” -uninstwl myuninstallkey


To configure the image of a virtual machine with the Client installed, so that the license will be unassigned on shutdown, do the following:

1. Turn on the virtual machine.

2. Configure the system and install the required software.

3. Install the Syteca Client (either via remote installation or locally) with the Enable Protected mode checkbox deselected.

4. Open the Windows Registry Editor.

5. In the Registry Editor window, select the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\EkranSystem\Client

6. Select the AgentGUID value, then right-click on it, and click Delete in the context menu.

7. In the confirmation message, click Yes.

8. Copy uninstall_client.cmd to the target folder on your virtual machine.

9. Run the command prompt (cmd.exe) as administrator.

10. Enter the gpedit command.

11. In the Local Group Policy Editor window, select Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Scripts (Startup/Shutdown) > Shutdown.

12. In the Shutdown Properties window, click Add, and then select the uninstall_client.cmd file.

13. Click OK.

14. The master snapshot (golden image) is now created.

15, From now on, whenever you start the virtual machine using this image, the Client will connect to the Application Server as a new Client and get a license assigned to it. Whenever the virtual machine is shut down, the license will be unassigned from the Client.

NOTE: If you want the license to be unassigned on logoff, you need to edit the script which is run on logoff in a similar way to doing this in the Local Group Policy Editor (User Configuration > Windows Settings > Scripts (Logon/Logoff) > Logoff > Properties).

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