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Adding Clients to a Client Group while Editing the Client Group

To add Clients to a Client Group while editing the Client Group, do the following:

1. Log in to the Management Tool as a user with the administrative Client Installation and Management permission.

2. Click the Clients navigation link (on the left).

3. On the Clients page that opens, select the Client Groups tab, and find the required Client group, and then click on its name in the Client Group Name column.

NOTE: To find specific Client groups, the Search box at the top of the Client Groups page can be used.

4. On the Editing Client Group page that opens, select the Client Management tab, and then click the Add (

) button (in the top left of the page).

5. A pop-up window opens with a drop-down list which contains all the Clients that have not been added to the Client group.

6. Select the checkboxes next to the Clients to be added to the Client group.

NOTE: To find a specific Client, enter its name/description or a part of it in the Search box above the list of Clients. The list is filtered as you type.

7. Select the Apply group settings to new Clients checkbox if you want the added Clients to inherit the Client group settings.

NOTE: You can also apply the Client group settings to any Client (or to multiple Clients simultaneously) while editing a Client group on the Editing Client Group page, on the Client Management tab, by selecting the checkboxes on the left next to the Clients that you want to inherit the Client group settings, and then clicking the Bulk Action (

) button (in the top left of the page), and selecting the Inherit Group Settings option in the drop-down list that opens.

8. Click Add.

9. The Clients that have been added are displayed in the list of Clients in the grid.

10. Click the Finish button (in the bottom right of the page).

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