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Installing Windows Clients on Amazon WorkSpaces


To install the Windows Client on Amazon Workspaces, do the following:

1. Download the Client installation file.

2. Connect to Amazon WorkSpaces, and run the Client installation (.exe) file.

3. Open the Windows Registry Editor and select the following key:


4. Select the AgentGUID value, then right-click on it, and select Delete in the context menu.

5. In the confirmation message, click Yes.

NOTE: You will not be able to edit the registry values in Protected mode.

6. In the Amazon WorkSpaces management console, do the following:

• Create an image of the Amazon WorkSpace where the Windows Client is installed.

• Create a bundle from the newly created image.

• Create new Amazon WorkSpaces from the newly created bundle.

7. All new Amazon WorkSpaces created from the bundle will automatically connect to the Ekran System Application Server.


NOTE: Make sure that the Ekran System Application Server is allowed to accept TCP connections via port 9447 for connection between the Ekran System Application Server and Ekran System Clients.

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