The Offline Cache Size Parameter (for Windows Clients)
NOTE: Similar parameters are also available for macOS Clients and Linux Clients.
The Client writes monitoring data to the local cache and then automatically sends it to the Application Server.
In case there is no connection with the Application Server computer (i.e. the Application Server is unavailable), the Client temporarily stores the monitored data in the local cache, and automatically sends it to the Application Server as soon as the connection is restored.
The Offline Cache Size (MB) option can be modified on the Editing Client / Editing Client Group page (on the Monitoring [Windows/macOS] tab, scroll down to the Advanced Options section at the bottom of the page), to allow you to define the size of the Client’s offline cache.
It can also be modified during remote Client installation or generation of the Client installation package. The default value is 500 MB.
When the amount of monitoring data stored on the Client computer reaches the defined limit, the Client will stop writing data to the offline cache.
NOTE: It is recommended to set the offline cache size to no less than 500 MB.
You can alternatively modify the Offline Cache Size (MB) value by using the Windows Registry Editor at any time by selecting the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\EkranSystem\Client key and modifying the LocalCaсheLimit value.