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The User Activity Recording Parameters

The system continuously records the activity of users on Client computers. Screen captures, and associated metadata such as an active window title, URL, text data, etc. are the main results of Linux Client monitoring.

During monitoring of the GUI for X Window System, you can configure the following user activity recording parameters for the Client by selecting the following options (on the Editing Client / Editing Client Group page, on the User Activity Recording tab):

• In the Frequency Settings for User Activity Recording section: These options allow you to define how often the user activity on the Client computer will be recorded. User activity recording can be triggered by the following events:

- Record user activity periodically: If this checkbox is selected to enable this option, user activity is recorded only at the Period (sec) frequency specified, irrespective of whether anything changes on the screen or not. The minimum frequency which can be defined is 1 second.

- Record user activity on active window switching: If this checkbox is selected, user activity is recorded on changing of the active window. For example, a new window is opened (i.e. an application starts up), a new browser tab is opened, any secondary window is opened, etc. The activity is recorded even if the active window is changed by using the keyboard.

- Check changing of window titles: If this checkbox is selected, user activity is recorded on changing of the name of the active window. The activity is recorded even if the active window title is changed by using the keyboard.

- Record user activity on clicking and key pressing: If this checkbox is selected, user activity is recorded on each mouse click and each press of a key on the keyboard (by default, in this mode, recorded user activity data is sent every second).

- Record user activity on entering command in terminal: If this checkbox is selected, user activity is recorded every time a command is entered into the terminal. If this option is enabled, the function calls are recorded.

• In the Screen Capture Settings section:

- NOT AVAILABLE IN SAAS  Enable screen capture recording along with user activity recording: If this checkbox is selected, it enables the recording of screen captures. If this checkbox is not selected for the Client, only the metadata (active window title, URL, text data, etc.) will be monitored and recorded.

- Capture active window only: By default, screen captures of the whole screen are recorded. If this checkbox is selected, only the current active window will be displayed on screen captures.

- NOT AVAILABLE IN SAAS  Bit depth: By default, screen captures are grayscale with 4-bit color depth. This is the optimal value, to ensure reasonable resolution of the screen captures, while not increasing the amount of data stored too much. You can alternatively set the color depth to 8 bits or 24 bits.

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