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Defining Exceptions for USB Monitoring Rules

The list of exceptions contains all the USB devices that will not be monitored or blocked.

Unlike the Monitored Devices list that contains USB device classes, exceptions are added for each separate device individually.

Exceptions can be added on the Rule Conditions tab while adding or editing a USB monitoring rule. In case you want to block USB devices of the Vendor-specific devices device class, make sure that you add all permitted USB devices (i.e. those not to be blocked) to the list of exceptions.

To add a new exception for a specific individual USB device, do the following:

1. On the Edit USB Rule page, on the Rule Conditions tab, scroll down to the Exceptions section (at the bottom), and click the Add button (on the right).

2. In the Add Exception section on the page that opens, select one of the following options, before entering the device details in the fields below it:

• Quick selection: Allows you to enter your Device Hardware ID.

• Custom selection: Allows you to enter the Vendor ID (VID), Product ID (PID), Revision, and Serial number in the corresponding fields.

NOTE: The Vendor ID (VID) and the Product ID (PID) are required fields, while the Revision and Serial fields are optional.

NOTE: A "*" wildcard character can be entered into any of the 4 fields, as shown in the screenshot below (but only as a single character, as the wildcard cannot be combined with any other characters). This may also be useful as a workaround in cases when the Device Hardware ID contains any special characters that are not accepted when entered into the system (e.g. the "?" character).


3. Optionally, enter a description for the exception in the Description field.

4. Click the Add button (in the bottom right).

5. The specified device is then added to the list of exceptions.

6. Click the Finish button (in the bottom right of the page).

7. The USB monitoring rule edited/added is then saved.

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