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Report Parameters

The following parameters are defined in the Management Tool when creating a report by using the Report Generator:

1. Report Type

This option allows you to select the type of report (and its required format). When the report type is selected, its description and an image of it are displayed on the right.

2. Date Filters

This option allows you to define the time interval for which the report will be generated.

3. Work Hours, for the following report types only:

• Sessions Outside of Work Hours Grid Report:

This option allows you to define the work days and work hours for each selected day of the week. All the time users spent working outside of the defined work hours will be added to the report.

• Terminal Server Grid Report:

This option allows you to define the time period (Full day, Work hours or Outside of work hours) that the report is to be generated for, and define the work days and work hours for each selected day. Information on user activity for the defined time will be added to the report.

4. Clients / Client Groups

This option allows you to select the Clients / Client groups, whose monitored data will be included in the report.

NOTE: Only Clients for which the user has the Viewing Monitoring Results permission for Clients are listed.

5. Users

This option allows you to select the users of Client computers whose activity will be included in the report.

6. Who can download

This option allows you to select the users who will be able to download and view the report generated.

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