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The File Monitoring Parameter (for Windows Clients)

NOTE: A similar parameter is also available for macOS Clients.

File monitoring allows File Upload operations performed on Client computers to be monitored.

NOTE: This feature is only available with an activated serial key for the Enterprise Edition of Syteca.

To enable the File Monitoring feature, do the following:

1. Stop the Application Server by clicking Stop in the context menu of the Syteca Server icon in the Windows System Tray (or find the EkranServer service in the Task Manager, and click Stop).

2. Open the Windows Registry Editor.

3. In the Registry Editor window, select the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\EkranSystem key, and select Edit > New > DWORD (32-bit), and add the following new value:

• Value name: EnableFileMonitoring

• Value data: 1

4. Start the EkranServer service to continue working with the application.

NOTE: After updating to Syteca version 6.53.1 or higher, the Application Server can no longer be configured in the registry, which is now done instead by way of the "EkranServer.Settings.config" file (located in: C:\Program Files\Ekran System\Ekran System\Server). Therefore, after updating to version 6.53.1 or higher, all settings previously configured in the registry remain the same, but are now instead stored in the .config file (e.g. <add key="<name_of_key>" value="<value_of_key>" />), and can only be modified in this file. For this reason, all instructions above concerning configuration of the Application Server in the registry, no longer apply to the registry, but instead apply to the .config file.

NOTE: For SaaS deployments, since the EkranServer.Settings.config file is not available, please contact your Syteca vendor or the Syteca Support team to enable this feature in your environment.

If the Enable file monitoring checkbox is also then selected for the required Client / Client group to (on the Editing Client / Editing Client group page, on the Monitoring [Windows/macOS] tab, in the Monitoring Parameters section at the top) to enable this option, then whenever users of the Client computer (or of any of the computers in the Client group) perform a File Upload operation, it is detected by the system.

The File Monitoring tab (on the Activity Monitoring page) displays a list of the File Upload operations performed by users on Windows Client computers.

File Upload alerts can also be configured (when adding or editing an alert of the Alert Management page) containing rules using the File Upload (Windows and macOS) parameter to detect whenever users of the Client computer (or of any of the computers in the Client group) perform specific File Upload operations that trigger these alerts, and notifications can be configured to.

 Send email notifications.

• Show a pop-up warning message in the Tray Notifications application.

• Show a warning message on the Client computer's screen.

Applications that are currently supported for File Upload operations to be monitored are:

• Skype messaging app (desktop, web and Microsoft applications) (v. 8.3 and higher)

• Line messaging app (desktop and web applications) (v. 5.10 and higher)

• Mozilla Firefox browser (v. 62 and higher)

• Google Chrome browser (v. 71 and higher)

• Opera browser (v. 56 and higher)

• Internet Explorer browser (v. 11.0.38 and higher)

• Microsoft Edge browser (v. 114.0.1823 and higher)

• Viber messaging app (desktop application) (v. and higher)

• Telegram messaging app (desktop and web applications) (v. 4.8.3 and higher)

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