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Standard and Enterprise Editions Comparison Chart

This page summarizes the full list of functionality offered by Ekran System, and shows which of these features are available in the Standard and Enterprise editions of the product.

NOTE: The Enterprise Edition features are only available if you have an activated serial key for the Enterprise Edition of Ekran System.


Standard Edition

Enterprise Edition

General Functionality & Security

AES-256 encryption



Floating endpoint licenses



Protected mode



Hiding passwords during monitoring



Audit trail for system users



VDI golden images



Non-persistent VDI monitoring support



Single-sign on (SSO) integration(tick)(tick)

SIEM integration



Detection of disconnected Clients



Hardware Security Module (HSM) support



Anonymizer (e.g. for GDPR compliance)



Deployment & Maintenance

On-premises deployment



SaaS deployment



Remote Client installation/uninstallation/updating



Updating endpoint Clients from the Application Server



MS SQL and PostgreSQL database support



Database cleanup



High availability and disaster recovery



Multi-Tenant mode



System health monitoring



Database archiving



Load balancer support



Amazon S3 storage of binary data



Basic Functionality

Integration with Active Directory



Access to the Management Tool using Smart Cards



Offline mode support for Clients



Product customization



Registering logs to the Windows Event log 



User Activity Monitoring

Session recording in video format



Live session viewing



Multi-monitor recording



Web pages & applications



Clipboard (cut, copy, and paste)



Keystroke logging



Keyword-triggered monitoring



USB device monitoring



File monitoring



SWIFT username monitoring



Monitoring Linux SSH and local console commands, parameters, function calls, and command output(tick)(tick)

Monitoring Linux X Window System sessions



Monitoring Linux X Forwarded sessions



The Master Panel (for managing multiple isolated deployments of Ekran System)


Filtering While Monitoring

Application filtering



User filtering



Monitoring time filtering (e.g. monitor only during work hours)



Keystroke filtering



Remote host IP filtering



Incident Detection & Response

Proactive real-time alerts and notifications



Out-of-the box alert templates



Blocking restricted USB devices



Blocking users



User behavior analytics & anomaly detection (UEBA)



Password Management

Secrets to access Active Directory, Windows, Unix (SSH), Unix (Telnet), Web and MS SQL accounts



Role-based access control



Remote password rotation (for Active Directory, Windows, Unix (SSH), and MS SQL accounts), and rotation of SSH keys



RDP/PuTTY support(error)(tick)
Password checkout(error)(tick)
Viewing the password(error)(tick)
Transferring files (using the WinSCP application)(error)(tick)
Workforce Password Management (WPM)(error)(tick)

Ekran System Application Credentials Broker (ACB)



Access Management

Secondary user authentication (to identify users of shared and built-in accounts)



Multi-factor authentication



Time-based restrictions for user access



Approval Workflow

Requesting access



Requiring user's comment and consent



Requesting access to plugged-in USB devices or mobile devices



One-time passwords (OTPs)



Ticketing system integration



Auditing & Reporting

Multi-parameter searching in monitoring results



Searching by metadata



Searching inside Linux session output



Dashboards on user productivity and activity, and the system state



Scheduled & ad-hoc reports



Forensic session export and validation



Viewing and managing alert events in the monitoring results



Ekran System Data Connector API (e.g. for integration with Microsoft Power BI)



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