The Session Player
The Session Player is the main pane in the Session Viewer, and is located in the top left area of it. The Session Player allows the viewing of screen captures recorded on computers with the Windows Client or the macOS Client installed, or the viewing of a graphical representation of Linux terminal data recorded (i.e. the input and output as the user sees them in the terminal).
You can either view any of these screen captures or graphical representations individually by clicking on the required activity record in the Metadata grid (which is on the right of the Session Player), or view all of the monitored data together in the form of video.
Table of Contents
1. The Session Player Interface
The following functions are available in the Session Player:
• To play/pause the video, click the Play/Pause (
• To switch between adjacent records, click the Previous and Next (
NOTE: It should also be noted that switching between records, actually means switching between the screen captures in them, and therefore, since each record may contain multiple screen captures, these buttons will not always switch between records every time they are clicked (i.e. in the event that there is more than one screen capture in the record concerned). In a similar way, some records may not contain any screen captures, and will therefore be skipped.
• To switch between any linked sessions (only if the session was restarted at midnight), click the Previous Session and Next Session (
• To open the Session Player in Full Screen mode, double-click anywhere on the Session Player, or click the
• To enter or exit Full Screen mode, double-click anywhere on the Session Player or click the
• To change the layout displayed in the Session Viewer: Click the
• To zoom into a specific place on the screen, click the Magnifying Glass (
• To move from one monitor to another in Client sessions with multiple monitors, click the Tools (
• To adjust the speed at which the video of the monitored data is playing in the Session Player, click the
• To block the user, click the
• To play a live session in real-time (with the Metadata grid and the Details area panes in the Session Viewer hidden), click the
• To get a link to a specific place in the session, click the Tools (
• To download the screen capture that is currently displayed, click the Tools (
• To perform a Forensic Export, click the Tools (
To select and view the required record of user activity in the session (i.e. the records displayed in the Metadata grid, which is located on the right of the Session Player), as well as by simply clicking on it, the keyboard can also be used to navigate between the records:
• To switch between adjacent records in the session, press the Up Arrow (previous record) and Down Arrow (next record) keys.
NOTE: Alternatively, the In a similar way, some records may not contain any screen captures, and will therefore be skipped. buttons in the Session Player can also be used to switch between the (next and previous) records in the Metadata grid. It should also be noted that switching between records, actually means switching between screen captures, and therefore, since each record may contain multiple screen captures, these buttons will not always switch between records every time they are clicked (in the event that there is more than one screen capture in the record concerned).
• To switch between adjacent records in the session that contain alert events, press the Left Arrow (previous alert record) and Right Arrow (next alert record) keys.
2. Switching Between Linked Sessions
Sessions which have restarted automatically at midnight (for Windows, macOS, and remote SSH Linux sessions only) are linked to each other in the Session Player, and can therefore easily be switched between by clicking the Previous Session and Next Session buttons.