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The Tenant Admin User


The tenant admin user is the admin user of a non-default tenant, and is created by the technician while the tenant is being created.

NOTE: For the built-in default tenant, this is the (technician) user with the login name (“admin” by default) and password defined during installation of the Application Server.

Tenant admins are only able to perform actions within their tenant, including:

• Managing tenant users and defining their permissions.

• Managing user groups containing tenant users.

• Generating Client installation packages (and viewing the automatically generated token for manual definition during the installation of offline Clients).

• Managing Client groups (for a tenant’s Clients).

• Editing the uninstallation key (for a tenant’s Clients).

• Managing alerts.

• Managing USB monitoring rules.

• Assigning licenses from the license pool (provided by the technician) to PAM users and/or Clients.

• Managing blocked users and users with access restrictions.

• Allowing users to use time-based one-time passwords and one-time passwords.

• Viewing, exporting, and downloading the sessions of a tenant’s Clients.

• Using dashboards to view and analyze statistics data on various measures of user productivity on a tenant’s Client computers in the form of convenient, interactive and individually-customizable charts.

• Generating reports from the data received from a tenant’s Clients, and scheduling report generation.

• Viewing the Audit log for tenant users and admins.

• Viewing and managing dashboards.

• Viewing the Offline Clients tab on the System Health page.

• Granting the technician full access to the tenant account.

• Defining custom email subjects and configuring the Date & Time Format settings.

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